Generally speaking, the team at VFPnext works to ensure that emails are answered on the same day before 5pm CST – to advise next steps. Because of the nature of partnerships with billing and management systems, plan changes will need to be adjusted first in the billing and management side, and then added or adjusted in VFPnext.  This process can be as quick as an overnight sync, or the 48hr billing and management plan update guidelines.

If a request you’ve made is a suggestion / enhancement to the system, the request will be put through a vetting process to find it’s place in the development roadmap, or will be reserved for future development. If the enhancement request is found to be usable by 80% of the existing VFPnext user base, the enhancement may be expedited at the discretion of the Project Manager.

For requests that are the result of an error in the system, these are put in an expedited queue. The only delay to error-fix requests will be as a result of lack of information. Any emails sent back requesting more information must be answered promptly to continue the expedited process. When submitting what’s believed to be an error, please provide as many examples as you can; screenshots, videos, and process taken to achieve the error will help expedite the investigation and resolution even faster.

For the best error-resolution customer service, please submit errors to